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{% tabs %}

{% tab title="Personal Runbooks" %}
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1. After you have deployed your application with Plural, go to `my-plural-repo/<app-name>/helm/<app-name>/templates` and create a file called `runbooks.yaml`. For more information about how to write a `runbooks.yaml` please refer to the guide [here](/adding-new-application/getting-started-with-runbooks/runbook-yaml).
2. Go to `my-plural-repo/<app-name>/helm/<app-name>/runbooks` and create an `xml` file for the runbook display. For more information on how to write `xml` for the runbook, please refer to the guide [here](/adding-new-application/getting-started-with-runbooks/runbook-xml).

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{% tab title="Publishing a Runbook on Plural" %}

1. `git clone`
2. `cd plural-artifacts`
3. Add your configuration to `<app-name>/helm/<app-name>/templates/runbooks.yaml`
4. Add your custom xml template to `<app-name>/helm/<app-name>/runbooks`
5. Open up a PR; once the new runbook has been code reviewed, it will be merged into the repo and available for others to download.

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